28 September 2017

Today I met a real estate lawyer.

He wanted to try the VR, so I helped him through that. After that, I was asking what he and his companion do... And they shared that the guy buying a ton of product was their boss and most of their time is spent brokering deal and things. I asked him what real estate law is, and he shared that there are different things. He just made the paperwork for sales... Not any about drawing property lines.

Long story short, he ended up asking me what I do, and I kind of knew it was a hitting on me conversation. I was pretty embarrassed, and I think he was too, since he did offer me his business card.

I politely declined his number, and then found something else to do in the store until he left. 

26 September 2017

Today I met a police officer.

He came into the store looking for me because I had dropped my wallet. Someone took the cash out of it, but whatever. 

The guy was really nice and asked if I wanted to file a police report. I asked him how it benefits me, and he said it didn't really matter... And I could, but it wouldn't go anywhere because we didn't have witnesses.

He was nice enough to walk all the way to his squad car to get the paperwork I wouldn't end up filling out haha. 

25 September 2017

Today I didn't meet anyone... In fact, I'm pretty sure I just stayed home.

Someone I did meet though, or felt like I did, was Hillary Clinton. I bought her book, What Happened, and really enjoyed how personal it was. I felt like I got to know her and meet her through the pages, and got a good sense of her humor and values.

I remember Tam and I talked about people we would have dinner with if given the chance. I said my parents, even if my choice could have been of anyone in the world... So Hillary gets a close second. 

23 September 2017

Today I met a guy who had a really monotone voice.

We were hosting a job fair... And man this guy was so... EH. His voice was monotonous and unexpressive, but I could tell by his choice of words that he was trying to be funny. He also came to this job fair in a white shirt and jeans, and his hair was only mildly brushed. 

When observing them, he was spacing out into the distance. Man, was it the most frustrating thing to watch ever... But more so to listen to. I just felt like my ears were violated by the mere sound of his voice.

Random fact, the sound of scratching chalkboards is frustrating to people... Because of the lower pitched sounds, not the higher pitched ones. That might have contributed to my irritation. 

22 September 2017

Today I met a guy who was mugged recently.

I was talking to one of my coworkers outside, and he approached asking to use our phones. I asked him why and he said he got mugged recently, and brandished the police report proving it. Turns out he was at a concert and got really messed up.

Anyway, he used my phone to check his Snapchat. I invited him into the store if he needed any help contacting someone.

He eventually did come into the store and called someone. Whoever he called though, made him cry and he slammed the phone down and left. I felt bad for him, and a little nervous. Haha. I am a bad judge of character, but I didn't want someone to be abandoned on the other side of the island.

Anyway, I hope he got home alright.

21 September 2017

Today I met a forensic chemist.

I actually asked him if he was in charge of Hagadone Printing, since that's how I recognized his last name. He said it wasn't him, but another family member. So of course, I asked what he did.

He said he was a forensic chemist and he recently retired. Despite his retiring, he still consults and finds things to be interested in. His current kick? Cannabinoid chemistry... I shared that this makes sense since we have legal dispensaries now.

When he talked to me, he seemed like he was tired... Almost as if he felt that his life had been long and weary. He said something to the effect of, it's always good to satiate curiosities, but sometimes you never rest as a result.

After we were done talking, he thanked me. Not so much because I checked him in, but more like thank you for talking to me. It seemed heavier than a cordial hello.

Maybe I'm reading into it, but you never know what kinds of lives people lead outside of you.

20 September 2017

Today I went to Nana's Tea House and met the cashier there.

The cashier was nice and definitely quiet. I could tell she was pretty tired and looked pretty unenthused about being there. We were discussing flavors and I saw her listening to our conversation, but offered no suggestions on anything that tasted good when we asked. We had been there before, and she was able to tell us what was on the picture... But not much else.

She did take our order and was polite overall though.

19 September 2017

Today I met a blind guy at the gym.

It was more like an encounter. I had just checked into the gym, and he was right behind me. He was using one of those canes that help identify what's in front of him. He ended up dropping something, and was able to pick it up.

He dropped it again, and it landed near me so I picked it up.

"Hey, I got it. Put your hand out so I can give it to you."

After that, I went downstairs for my 40(!) minutes of cardio, and saw him "see" his way around the gym. I wondered how he would find the weights or machines that he wanted to use. It seemed dangerous, but then again I don't know him and the limits of his ability. He also seemed pretty buff so he must have known his way around... Right?

Still cool, I've seen him a few times since so I know he's doing alright.

18 September 2017

Today I met the Fendi security guy!

This is a little bit of a big deal. I've been waving hi to this guy for about a year, and he's been waving back. I've never introduced myself to him, but today was the second time I saw him in the wild. The first time was at an ice cream place, but I didn't talk to him then.

"So do you always wave to people outside?"

He was surprised to hear someone talking to him.

"Oh! Yeah, it gets boring and it's hard to stand there all day. At least I can say hi and just see different people."

Huh, guess that works. What was funny about the encounter is that this guy is pretty short, and rather slim... But his voice is super unexpectedly deep. Either way, it was a year in the making and I was just surprised I eventually did say hi to this guy.

17 September 2017

Today I met a waiter at afternoon tea.

I took my parents and uncle out for an early anniversary celebration. The waiter was a pretty jolly fellow and made jokes with my parents about everything. His face wasn't very expressive though, so it was initially pretty hard to see if he was joking. My parents are definitely the kinds of people who will joke about anyone and everything in the vicinity.

So one of the teas had marunggay in it, which is a standard leaf that Filipinos use in their cooking. It also has a high iron content, for all of you who are anemic like me. My parents mentioned this when they ordered the tea from him, and he shared that his wife also likes to cook with it.

Turns out his wife is also Filipino, and they were just in Manila. He also knew all the tricks about packing stuff to take home, and putting it around the baby powder so the dogs can't smell it.

I'm gonna keep that one in my back pocket for the future.


15 September 2017

Today we met a hotel worker.

We were actually going to Katsumidori, a restaurant within a hotel... But I had no idea where it was. I ended up getting the attention of a fellow there and asked him for directions.

"Oh, you're on the wrong floor, let me show you where it is."

We followed him down some stairs as he talked about some hotel changes

"You guys are on the wrong floor, there used to be restaurants up here, but now it's downstairs."
"Hey, didn't the carpets used to be green."
"Oh yeah, but we recently renovated. It was so old and dirty."

We eventually got to the restaurant and we thanked him for his time. I would assume that he's probably worked at the hotel for a while given how he talked about it, as if it was his own home.

Sometimes you learn about people in the way they say the things they do.


14 September 2017

Today I met a sales rep at a car shop.

Tam's brake light was constantly on, so he and my brother assumed it was the spark plug. When we rolled in to the car shop, the following exchange occurred:

"Do you have a Honda?"
"Uh... yeah."
"You actually need this."

It was a tiny piece of plastic, barely bigger than a thumbtack that cost about $10.

"Everyone buys the plugs thinking that's what it is, then they come back because it doesn't work... But you really need this. It just goes between the pedal..."

She explained how to install it, I couldn't remember how. I do remember thinking that people probably think they know better than her because they're guys... I definitely empathize with that particular scenario.

4 October 2017

Today I met a cashier at Joe Kim's Kim Chee.

She was very polite, and the whole place was so clean. I've never heard of the brand before, but my Mom and I ended up buying some to try. It was so good! I looked it up online, and it's a local business started by a local Korean guy in Kalihi Valley during WWII. She said it's the only storefront and it's relatively new, only have been open since February. 

They say he's one of the reasons why it's so popular in food here today! 

13 September 2017

Today I met a cashier at Panda Express.

She apologized really profusely for the food not being ready at the expected time. I honestly didn't mind, I was on company time anyway. I watched her interact with other customers, and she did a really good job. Other than offering me water, she had some great customer service skills. For every person who bought food, she did try to upsell them on drinks or add ons.

I didn't realize that I notice things like this when I'm out and about in the world. A large part of it probably has to do with my current employment. She assisted me in taking the food out to the car, and even suggested that we cater with them again.

Overall, I was pretty impressed.

11 September 2017

Today we met a waiter at Side Street Inn.

My brother and his fiancée had smuggled in a bottle of whiskey and were pouring it into a glass. The waiter saw and he said, "Hey, you know, you're not supposed to do that. You're lucky I'm cool, but you should watch out for that guy."

That guy was the manager for the night.

Anyway, they did continue to drink the whiskey and tipped the waiter pretty well after for keeping our secret.

10 September 2017

Today, I don't remember what I did. I know I worked while my family went to Kailua beach.

The last time we went to Kailua Beach, my niece got stung by a jellyfish. The northern shores are known for having more jellyfish wash up. When she was stung, she screamed bloody murder, and nothing could stop her crying.

This guy ended up coming to us and asked if she got stung. You could tell by his accent and tattoos that he was local and frequented the area. He offered to spray her sting with vinegar, which apparently works. He shared his own experiences with his kids. 

I ended up telling my niece the story of Clever Manka to distract her from the pain, and it worked.