19 September 2017

Today I met a blind guy at the gym.

It was more like an encounter. I had just checked into the gym, and he was right behind me. He was using one of those canes that help identify what's in front of him. He ended up dropping something, and was able to pick it up.

He dropped it again, and it landed near me so I picked it up.

"Hey, I got it. Put your hand out so I can give it to you."

After that, I went downstairs for my 40(!) minutes of cardio, and saw him "see" his way around the gym. I wondered how he would find the weights or machines that he wanted to use. It seemed dangerous, but then again I don't know him and the limits of his ability. He also seemed pretty buff so he must have known his way around... Right?

Still cool, I've seen him a few times since so I know he's doing alright.