12 March 2017

Someone I met is an insurance adjuster.

He was super mellow, and we connected about how letting people be super angry at you is the best way to get them to exhaust themselves. He talked about how he never yells at his customers, and encourages them to keep talking until they've worn themselves down. 

"Sometimes, I listen to the guys in my office, since you know... We have cubicles. I can hear the phone slam and I just tell them, you know you gotta call them back." 

He also talked about how he approaches the judges in court differently when he has to present evidence, and reads boy language to see how well he's being received. 

He said he liked his job enough because he learned a lot about different areas. Who knew? 

11 March 2017

Someone I met today let me know that kouign aman pastries at Kona Purveyors can be chocolate covered in seconds. 

If you haven't been, it's the most flaky, buttery, delicious piece of baked heaven.

Some of our delicious pastries from @bpatisserie! #konacoffeepurveyors #intlmarketplace #bpatisserie #onlyinhawaii #hawaii

A post shared by Kona Coffee Purveyors (@kcpurveyors) on

10 March 2017

Someone I met today lost his son a year ago.

This fellow came through, wearing dark jeans and a black polo. He was so sure of himself when he walked, his confident strides through causing people to quicken their pace. Out of place was a small felt heart pinned to the left side of his shirt.

"Excuse me, sorry, do you mind if I ask you what the heart is for?"
"No. I don't mind. My wife and I lost our son a year ago, and we pin this to our shirts everyday to remind us how precious life is."

Did not expect that, and I felt sad... I didn't ask what the kid died from, but here's an organization that supports pediatric cancer research that my friend feels very passionately about. 

9 March 2017

Someone I met today was at a restaurant.

We went to Tonkatsu Tamashiro, and let me tell you. It's bomb. 

But, I needed to sign up on a sheet to get a table. I didn't have a pen, so I flagged down one of the workers. This guy looked like he ran the place, he wasn't wearing the black uniform. Instead, he wore black slacks, and a blue button up shirt. He whisked out a pen and disappeared into the kitchen. I didn't want to leave his pen on the sign-up sheet. It was his personal pen, someone could have taken it. 

The table took 2 hours, but we finally got it.

"Thank you for waiting, I hope you enjoy."
"Yeah, uh... Here's your pen back."
"OH! Thank you!"
"Yeah I didn't want you to lose it."

Side note, the table we were seated next to had a food blogger. But she said that she likes to look at other food blogs to get inspiration... Uh... I guess as long as it isn't plagiarism. 



Oyster and shrimp katsu.

Oyster and shrimp katsu.

8 March 2017

Someone I met today was a really friendly waitress.

I went to lunch at AGU Ramen, and watched her interact with people. She was really good at deflecting dumb questions, which is always a good skill to have.

"Oh is this the only location?"
"No, we have a few other places, and we're opening one up in Texas soon."
"Oh do you have to move?"
"No? I wouldn't want to move from here, Hawaii is awesome."

Uh... That's cute. 

6 March 2017

Someone I met today is a teacher.

I know her from before, she used to teach at my high school. I don't have very fond memories of her because of a specific incident:

At a debate tournament, she asked if I was only there for the boys. I told her no. I was really offended and pissed. She didn't know that I had been up until 5am from the previous day to fix my debate partner's case. I had written maybe 3 pages of arguments. She wrote 1.

Also, as a teacher at an all girl's school, how could you say that to a student? It's really rude and presumptive. Just because I'm friendly with boys doesn't make me a weird attention-whoring slut.  It's also really irresponsible to make assumptions without knowing the facts. Also, could you imagine if I was a more impressionable person? I'd think something was wrong with me for... BEING FRIENDLY?!

 Anyway, I hung out with my friend, who also happened to be a teacher at my school when I was still attending it. She told me that this woman didn't think very highly of me. Fortunately, my friends are very good people, and she defended my honor. 

"Did you know she went into college with a year of credits?"
"Really? She's that smart?"

I can be smart and have extremely good social graces. Those things don't have to be mutually exclusive, despite your intelligence wishing it wasn't so. 

5 March 2017

Someone I met today was turning 13.

He was a small kid, much shorter than I was at 13. He and his dad were shopping around for a new computer because it was his birthday! We chatted a little bit, and he was very polite and sweet. He was shy, and extremely respectful, even as I made bad jokes.

I talked to his a dad a little bit, and it turns out they moved here 2 months ago. His son is at a new school and doesn't have many friends yet. He wanted to get into gaming, and he is already playing Minecraft and Roblox. The whole family moved over; wife, sister, and grandpa! We agreed that the most important thing is being together. 

The dad shook my hand when they left, and so did his son. His son seemed a little shy about it, and I wasn't anticipating his handshake. He quickly pulled it back when he saw I didn't offer to shake his also. I offered my hand when I saw it, and greeted him happy birthday very loudly.

Being 13 is a weird and precarious age. Some kids act older than they are... And some kids just remind you that they're really kids. That's not a bad thing at all.

4 March 2017

Someone I met was extremely enthusiastic.

I think enthusiasm is a good thing... But as with all good things there is such thing as too much. Sometimes enthusiasm borders insincerity... And also desperation. Based on the content I heard, this definitely was desperation.

I always find that when you're trying to bargain or get what you want, it's important not to reveal all your cards.

3 March 2017

Someone I met today was at another food place.

I met up with Kayte and we went to Kalawapai Cafe. It was just an interesting mix to see a lot of young, foreign-accented people working at a food joint that's been around for a while. Kailua has very popular beaches, but mostly locals live around... So seeing non-locals working was kind of interesting.

Out of place in this tiny shop was an older gentleman who did not match the youth of the area... But he was kind and took our orders.

Sometimes it's nice to see someone mix it up a bit. 

2 March 2017

Someone I met today was at another food place.

She recommended I just ask them to cut a burger in half vs. ordering the 2 mini burgers at Honolulu Burger Company.

"It's the same amount of meat, just cheaper."

I agreed to her adjustment... If it were me, I would just let people pay more if that's what they wanted to do. I prefer smaller ratios in food because the flavor tends to be more even. Fortunately, it tasted just as good. Yay me.


Otherwise I would have been pretty disappointed. 

28 February 2017

Someone I met today is from New Zealand.

I love New Zealand. I will tell anyone who wants to listen how much I love New Zealand. It's beautiful, the people are nice, and it's just so amazing to see such a place. Anyhow, the guy and I got to talking. We shared things we love about New Zealand and what we love about Hawaii. I told him about my trip there, and it turns out he was from Hamilton... The exact same place we visited. 

"You know, the people here are so nice."
"Totally, I just love how welcoming everyone is here. It's such a nice place to live."
"Yeah, so you know... I was walking on the North Shore, and this guy threw me a shaka. You know that's a gang sign in Hamilton? I was like a little confused because you don't do that here. I can't even wear red because it's like a gang color."
"The shaka is a gang sign?!"

Well. Now I know. 

27 February 2017

Someone I met today had a tattoo.

I mean that's pretty common here, so it wasn't anything super interesting. Though, he had a watercolor tattoo which is pretty rare considering most people here have tribal or old American styles.

"Can I see your tattoo? I noticed you have a watercolor one."

The man had a heavy Russian accent... His pale skin wore the tattoo well, and the blues contrasted his auburn hair.

"The tattoo isn't done, but I'm still working on it. There is a jellyfish on my chest and it extends into a tree on my back."
"That's cool. Sorry for asking you about it, it's just not a style I see often."

He proceeded to tell me he went to the Tattoo Expo last year to find someone who did that style. He found someone, but he's not based here. The man flew to Vegas and the tattoo artist met him there, and tattooed him for 8 hours in a hotel room.

The tattoo still isn't done, but they're looking to finish it around this year.

I mean that's cool and all, but is it legal to just do it in a hotel room? I guess it's only illegal if you get caught. 

26 February 2017

Someone I met today was very polite.

I guess I'm not used to polite people in retail. This man asked about his product and I mentioned he needed an appointment.

"How would I make an appointment?"
"If you don't mind waiting, I can give you our business card."
"I don't mind waiting, I would like the business card."

So I gave it to him.

"Thank you very much, I really appreciate you helping me out."
"No problem."

It was like the most ideal and perfect interaction. So bizarre. 

25 February 2017

Someone I met today... Was sitting next to me.

I didn't really meet them. It was more of an encounter. Last night, I went drinking. Problem is I drank my codeine cough syrup, AKA sizzurp, before drinking alcohol. I could not handle, and also went home early because I needed to get my car serviced at 7am.

I got to the service center at 7am, and took a seat in the lobby. I was so tired, so I allowed myself to doze off. I could still hear the tv going, I wasn't in a deep slumber. I leaned my head against the wall, and slouched in my seat quietly.

Then, I let out a small, mild, snore.

I sat up really quickly, but the damage was done. The guy to my left looked over and I tried to pretend I didn't just wake myself up.

24 February 2017

Someone I met today is a waiter.

"Hey, I know you, you also work at MW!"
"That's right. You found me!"

He gave me a high-five.

A month ago, my friends and I went to MW for their Afternoon Tea. It was pretty fun, but our waiter was a pretty serious and proper guy. While of average height, he was stocky, and his cheeks drooped slightly. His well manicured beard and perfectly combed hair added to the sternness that his uniform afforded him. When he spoke, it was less casual than any place I've ever dined at here... addressing my companions and me as a "miss." He was so calculated in his movements, you'd think you were at a fancy French restaurant. We were not, but it was appropriate for that particular restaurant.

Last night, we were at REAL: A Gastropub... A considerably more casual location. Similar to a dive bar, this was no place for a man of such manners... And yet here he was.


22 February 2017

Someone I met today is a owner and cook?

This is the day my parents were leaving to Japan. While waiting for mom to pack, I decided going to the North Shore was a good idea. We went up to the North Shore today to try HI BBQ after seeing it in an EATER video. Daaaaamn it looked good.

We got there around 1030, but it looked like they were still setting up. Around 11, one of the other guys waiting nearby started talking to the head-BBQer (guy in video) and started lining up to order food. We got in line and ordered the 18 & Over, which includes brisket, pulled pork, and ribs...

But they were out of ribs. And Portuguese sausage.

While waiting, the head-BBQer guy approached us.

"So our smoker is acting finnicky, and we don't have ribs. Is it cool if we double up on pulled pork and brisket?"

I mean the woman at the window, also in the video warned us already. Saying, "Can't leave the boys to open by themselves. 

We ended up talking a bit more.

"When did you guys move down the hill?"
"Just recently, we were getting so many people on the ranch and it can't sustain the amount of traffic we were having."
"Oh that's good, I noticed that they moved past you guys for the repaving project."
"Yeah, it worked out because they steamrolled this place. You're standing on the old Kamehameha Highway."

We talked about her business some more.

"So how long have you guys been doing this?"
"Almost a year now, it's been a learning experience. We used to have the smoker in the truck, but we almost set the truck on fire and wiped everything out, that's why it's out back now."
"Yeah, it's ok though. We're actually getting another one made."
"Made here?"
"Yeah, we know a welder. It's going to be good because this one is more of a prototype anyway and we've fixed it up so much. It's especially noticeable on days like this because charcoal is so hard to manage because of the wind."

I asked her about future plans since they're not on the top of the hill anymore.

"Are you going to be leaving the truck down here?"
"We're still thinking about it, we might hire an overnight security."
"Oh that's good."
"Yeah, but I figured that if we're going to hire a security guard we might as well be 24 hours and cook breakfast burritos."
"That would be cool. I stayed up on this side for my birthday last year, and everything closed around 8. My friend and I used to night drive around this side of the island and could never find anything to eat."
"Yeah, that's the plan but we got to talk it out. Baby steps first, you know?" 

The BBQ is awesome, but you should just check the video out below yourself.  

21 February 2017

Someone I met today is a teacher. 

She's been working for a telecom company for about 15 years, but teaches on the side. She's currently teaching excel classes as a number of different places, and a bunch of different things.

"What's your favorite subject to teach?"
"Favorite subject? Most interesting was design thinking... While I enjoy teaching scuba diving, I think disaster training is probably one of the most fun."

This woman was very unassuming. She's much older than I am, maybe in her 50s, shorter and a little plump. Her blonde hair had white mixed into it, and her blue eyes were hidden behind her glasses. Based on her looks alone, I don't think you would have guessed that her interests were so broad. 

"Why do you like teaching?"
"I like talking to people. It's a nice break away from managing computers at my workplace and is definitely more fulfilling. Seeing people's faces light up when they get it is so unique."

I enjoy talking to people who genuinely enjoy whatever it is they do.  

20 February 2017

Some people I met today were economics majors.

"You guys look comfortable in your basketball shorts."
"Yeah, we actually just finished a hike." 

They were younger than me, graduating 2 years after me. The pair were friends during college in a Wisconsin university. One of them is from Samoa, and happened to be on vacation here. The other is from China, and is stationed here for the army. They met up because the pictures on facebook showed they were on the same island. 

"You're an econ major too?"
"Yeah... It was because it was the shorter major."

We all had studied the same things, but the man stationed here and I both chose Economics because we happened to be good at it. Neither of us want to continue studying it. The other fellow was working at a company doing some analyses, but hated his coworkers.

"Yeah... I couldn't do a desk job, I really just like meeting new people to enjoy it."
"Yeah... It's ok, but it's my coworkers I can't stand."

We continued to talking and I showed the Microsoft's Data Scientist Program since he seemed really interested in what he was doing and enjoyed the work. I told him it's really up to him to look at it, but it couldn't hurt.

He was impressed I knew a lot, I just told him I have a lot of time to read and that's always important to me.