25 February 2017

Someone I met today... Was sitting next to me.

I didn't really meet them. It was more of an encounter. Last night, I went drinking. Problem is I drank my codeine cough syrup, AKA sizzurp, before drinking alcohol. I could not handle, and also went home early because I needed to get my car serviced at 7am.

I got to the service center at 7am, and took a seat in the lobby. I was so tired, so I allowed myself to doze off. I could still hear the tv going, I wasn't in a deep slumber. I leaned my head against the wall, and slouched in my seat quietly.

Then, I let out a small, mild, snore.

I sat up really quickly, but the damage was done. The guy to my left looked over and I tried to pretend I didn't just wake myself up.