6 March 2017

Someone I met today is a teacher.

I know her from before, she used to teach at my high school. I don't have very fond memories of her because of a specific incident:

At a debate tournament, she asked if I was only there for the boys. I told her no. I was really offended and pissed. She didn't know that I had been up until 5am from the previous day to fix my debate partner's case. I had written maybe 3 pages of arguments. She wrote 1.

Also, as a teacher at an all girl's school, how could you say that to a student? It's really rude and presumptive. Just because I'm friendly with boys doesn't make me a weird attention-whoring slut.  It's also really irresponsible to make assumptions without knowing the facts. Also, could you imagine if I was a more impressionable person? I'd think something was wrong with me for... BEING FRIENDLY?!

 Anyway, I hung out with my friend, who also happened to be a teacher at my school when I was still attending it. She told me that this woman didn't think very highly of me. Fortunately, my friends are very good people, and she defended my honor. 

"Did you know she went into college with a year of credits?"
"Really? She's that smart?"

I can be smart and have extremely good social graces. Those things don't have to be mutually exclusive, despite your intelligence wishing it wasn't so.