17 October 2017

Today I met a clinical psychologist.

He came in looking to buy a computer, as his wife had purchased one a few months ago. She liked it, and he did too... So of course, he wanted to get one for himself.

We got to talking and it turns out that the pair are psychologists. He got into it because his sister, who's much older than him was one and he was inspired by her. 

"You know, everyone had parents who are firefights, lawyers, and policemen and are inspired by them. I had my sister, and you know, it worked out."

Same sister does furniture sales. I forgot what the other one does. We talked about how he's been affiliated with the University of Hawaii for years and has done work with them. His wife is the department head there. We also talked about why I do what I do what I do, and I told him that it's so I can meet new people and continue training. I enjoy it and it gives me the right amount of autonomy on my day today.

He smiled. It's not often people ask why I like doing what I do, but it's always nice to answer when they care.