Musings 13: Style + Out of the Woods = Wildest Dreams

Yes. I know I'm a few months late, etc etc. I also know that Taylor Swift debuted her new single!

I just wanted to throw out there short thoughts on what I had about the album other than I obviously love it. 

Out of the Woods came first and with its timing before the album's release, it seems more apt of the uncertainty that the artist could have faced. Interpretations of the reasoning aside, however, the song is only one side of juggling a relationship in which the status is undefined. The song itself has a hint of nostalgia and melancholy based on the memories relayed and the repetition of the same "Are we out of the woods, yet?" 

Yet. The word itself alludes to a prolonging of some experience. The bridge about "hitting the brakes too soon" is in its own way a breakthrough, and the song's key and energy changes at this point. Cycle broken. What's interesting to note is that the visuals you would expect for this song are of forests and trees, and lots of memories. Shown in the video of another song...

While musically different, Style, is the same relationship, but looking at the back and forth of it. It isn't necessarily a good thing, as the good girl bad guy thing doesn't usually work out. I know people seem to suggest that there was infidelity, but I honestly just think that they broke up. They break up and get together and do it again and again. Even though he's out with other girls, he's still thinking about her. She's doing the same with other guys. It's important to note that lyrically Taylor Swift is referencing the '50s James Dean badboy look, similar to the Marilyn Monroe red lips. 

And here, it leads me to Wildest Dreams, in which the 50s style movie film genre. Her look references Liz Taylor, the sadness of the separation almost seems reminiscent of Casablanca, and the separation of two almost lovers. The song evokes the feelings I have, but more importantly, it references how timeless the story of Style is and how the story doesn't change. Just the characters.