unspoken asterisk

“Your body is wonderful but could you be nice?”

I feared in your request,
the unspoken asterisk:
there’s more to change after this.

who am I without venom in my veins and fire in my lungs?
who am I without gritted teeth and fatal tongue?
how could I ever yield again to the vanity of lesser men?

I conceded
a half self,
a whole mess. 

you already have all my skin and time
it’s too much to ask me to be kind

For a hopeful moment:
“I think I could try.”

“I’m sorry,
I don’t think I can.
We’ve done too much,
too fast, too soon.

It hurts to be around you.”


my quick quips slip past
your inflated wit’s grip
your clipped tongue trips
eliciting wide grins
from amused friends
unknowing accomplices
to your murder in real time

my lips undermine
your lies intertwined
since you let in the gas
i’ll set it alight
my finest lines
hide the finest lies

between you and i
you’re right
between us and them
i’m a delight
you fume
i’m on fire
their laughs
your demise

ill be the good guy
while you die inside
i trade my sins
for your skins
a mercenary cruelty
in service of desire

the sun

incessant rays beat down on your back
eager to scorch the earth you walk on,
so you fear what might detonate beneath you

a growing flame consumes the air
and you tremble at my heavy sighs,
desperate to avoid my ire

unflinching light targets your shadows
so they shrink, ashamed,
and take you along with it

since you insist on trapping me
under the weight of your world
let me remind you

i have always been the sun
unbearable to hold close
impossible to live without

visions sweet and viscous

hallucinations of a shared future
call for me at the witching hour
you’re lonely without your demons
your favorite looks just like me

visions sweet and viscous
summon me to your bedroom door
reason ushers me in
before making its escape
if i’m standing in front of you
it’s already too late

your delusion dances in delight 
can you handle me this time?

my tongue carves spells into your flesh
teeth weave my venom into your sinew
so if you tear into me
i cut twice into you

trace those paths back on my body
with your tongue or favorite sword
choose any weapon in your arsenal
the worst of me endures

searing kisses cauterize our wounds
while we indulge our fiercest urges
you curse my name next to gods
but i never swear to yours

this ritual practiced during lunar highs
but never repeated in the day’s light
each night etches new signs into your walls
alongside the runes of our past demise

no oaths should be made
when pleasure dulls the clarity of pain

i saw the warnings
long before they were written
ecstasy clawed out your eyes
before you chose to read them

morning comes
the enchantment falters
the sun boils my poison
along with your blood
you ache because of me
but crave my tainted company

there’s a chance for you to end us
to deal our finishing blow
but you’re swept up again
by the might of my moon
and it feels too good to stop us

the makings of a man

you say i’m different
that’s what they all say
what if we make that true today?

what if i took you to your
basement hidden
from the eyes of our friends?

what if i spilled your guts with
the right questions
then put your organs on display?

what if i gave you tissues for
pent-up issues
then smeared them all on a slide

then analyzed you
with the smallest of scopes
and the sharpest of minds

then dissected the clumps of cells
for the makings of a man
then found the cancer killing you instead
metastasized from your head to your brain
a complex inferiority despite seven inches in length

i excised the worst parts of you
then injected the pain of missing me
you’ll be a few screws short
of needing a lobotomy

i’ll sew you up and send you out
our friends will think you’re fine
you’re now a little different
darling so am i
tell your therapist i had an excellent time

i’m in search of the perfect solution
the perfect proportion
of pursuit and affliction
could the high of the pain
eclipse the high of the hunt?


paper thin

I punch holes with your insecurities

just like the ones you cut from me

i punch

and punch

and punch

until your ego

bruised and blue


ink wells for pointed lines i carve into

paper skin sliced thin into

perfect strips stained red

pooling at your feet

reaching for me

when i’m satisfied with this operation

            a surgery of cruel precision

I bandage my wounds with your ribbons

when your blood dries and scabs fall from your repaired skin

i sharpen my tools to do it again


It started with my hair.

he hated when I wrote it up
so i left it
long, loose, wild
even as my face got sticky with sweat
under the summer heat 

then he turned on other parts of me:

don’t keep the hair on your legs
shave your underarms
what’s going on there?
don’t you care?
it’s better if you shave it,
for me and you,
I swear 

i sheared the unwanted strands
and tore out the roots with scalding wax
i clawed at the hair growing under my skin,
blood stained my nails as loathing settled in
when resentment filled the bathtub to the brim
with thick strands of my discarded hair 
i said fuck it
and cut him

bared teeth smile

bare your teeth
make it look like a smile
let your lips sell the sweetest lies

whisper to draw him close
enough to hear him breathe
keep your hands off his body
until he takes the lead

shed your silken armor
coax his weapon into your hand
lie back
let softness disguise danger
a deception laid plain
on bedsheets bare

men are much sweeter
when there’s less of you to fear

break his skin with your teeth
drink his blood with each kiss
carve a cavity in his chest
fill it
with empty promises

crush his bones with your thighs
be lethal on your knees
you’ll know you won
when he begs for release

let him sleep in false peace
then slip out of his sight
drive him out of his mind
in morning’s sharp light

let x mark the spot
where you leave his body behind

bite my tongue

I bolted down my tongue with pearly-white nails,
it pulled in every direction
resisting the prison in my skull.

My tongue would rip itself free,
sawing itself against my teeth,
ensuring we both die when I bleed.

Our lifelines tied,
I bit my tongue to keep our peace.
I bit my tongue to keep you.

One day, my tongue clicked:
Why host this battle within when you can wage war with him?

Resolve restored my spine.
Whether it belonged to my demons or me,
there was only one way to find out.

I unhinge my jaw
and relax my grin
my unpracticed tongue dances free
salt spills out
unhindered by my gritted teeth.

My tongue lashes out
close to your heart.

your head
that one. 

the other one is next

he called me a banana

he called me a banana
yellow on the outside
white on the inside 

I asked him what he meant.

he corrected his jest to coconut
brown on the outside
white on the inside
and hairy
like my arms covered in fine wisps  

how could one
raised by an ocean
on an island full of people like me
skin of rich earth like me
hair of timeless night like me
utter a baring insult
with an unflinching ease? 

whose colors changed in the sun
who burned under its incessant rays
dared to claim that
I am too foreign for my sacred body
I would be more palatable if adorned with different skin

in either case
you laughed
familiar with this shameless whiteness 

I weaponized my silence
and stared until you both felt shame

Then I asked him to explain.

more stunning than his stuttering
more remarkable than my restraint
is the deafening roar
of your quiet complicity

I don’t want to fight again

but since you insist,
let’s try again.

Switch with me this time,
be my passenger this time,
buckle up darling,
I’ll drive.

I’ll speed right into dead ends,
as our conversations deaden,
don't you wonder how it happens? 

That’s a problem easily fixed
flying off the edge of the nearest cliff.

This time I’ll make the tires screech
as my leaden foot hits the floor.
This time I’ll make you scream
while you yank open the unlocked door.
This time I’ll make night witness fear
now choose
between the asphalt or me.

Hurry up darling,
rock bottom is waiting.