15 October 2017

Today I met a flight attendant.

This time, it wasn't because she was working. She was a passenger next to me and she had a new baby! I could tell she and her husband were super in love. It wasn't anything they said but how they were to each other. Anyway, through listening to them I overheard that she gave birth in Seattle but was heading home. I was almost annoyed I was sitting next to a baby... But this baby was the most well behaved of all the other ones I heard scattered around the plane. 

I was super tired so I kept falling asleep. I woke up because the woman next to me put down my tray for the breakfast. That was super nice of her. I ended up eating a bit and then falling back asleep.

When the plane eventually landed, she apologized that they took up space. I told them it was cool since I slept for most of the flight anyway. I asked her where home was for them. She said Moloka'i so there was still a little more to go. She wanted to get home to her other babies. 

She was so kind and didn't have to be. I'm sure part of it was because she wasn't sure how her kid was going to be. I did appreciate it though, even though I slept through most of that flight. 

14 October 2017

Today I met the head trainer guy.

I've been going to these trainings for 3 years now, but I've still not met everyone. This includes the guy who really heads the training program. Anyway, he happened to sit at the table I was eating at that day. 

"Josh, have you ever been a drum major?"
"Have you played drums?"
"Yes, but not really well."
"Oh, I've always wondered because some of the stuff you do reminds me of my friends who were drum majors so I had to ask."

Some of those things included clapping out rhythms. His posture is also hunched, as if he played the bass drum. He seemed surprised that I picked that up, I just was curious because it just seemed so obvious. 

13 October 2017

Today I met some people who work in call centers for Microsoft!

Generally for our Train the Trainers, we don't have other people... But this time we did. One of the guys was a trainer in the Philippines and the other was in Japan. Neither of them had seen a Microsoft store, and I'm pretty sure both of them have never been to the states.

I was pretty happy to meet some people who were more similar to me. There is a distinctly different approach to social situations between Hawaii and the US mainland. I'm sure some of it applies to some Asian countries as well. All three of us felt a little out of place, but gelled well with each other.

Also side note, did you know that having call centers in other countries and stuff is called Business Process Outsourcing? Buzzfeed did a great write up on how transgendered Philippine workers do well in that environment. The guy wasn't transgendered but it definitely made me think of it.

12 October 2017

Today... I met a few people. It was one of my travel days for work so I got a little lucky.

TSA: There was this TSA Agent yelling at people about how to get through the line. She kept moving up and down the line so that people who have TSA Pre-Check, like myself, didn't know where to go and ended up in the line. It was also 530 in the morning and I just don't like being yelled at. After getting through the gate, I was over it. This checkpoint was closer to my end destination anyway. 

After passing through a few airports I got to my hotel. 

The front desk guy was super nice, and asked me to confirm my name. Yes, it was under Maxx instead of my given name. Whatevers, it happens. I head to my room and push open the door. I quickly spot that my roommate is present. I walk deeper into the room and see that my roommate is a man, one I've met a few times before.

He jumped out of his bed and I quickly in one breath said, "HeynicetoseeyouI'mgonnaleavenowseeyoulater."

The front desk guy apologized and put me in another hotel for the night. He had a feeling it might happen, but there was no fixing it now since everyone was settled for the night and the rooms were full. I didn't mind. 

11 October 2017

Today I met some Game Stop people.

They helped me pick up a SNES Classic! I happened to be shopping for a Switch case and asked if they had the consoles. They said wait a few minutes because the just received shipment.

Of course, I picked one up for my best friend. Tam got one for himself. Despite their helpfulness and bending the rules for us, they seemed pretty miserable. They wouldn't bend it one more time after I tried to get my dad to buy one for another one of our friends.

We found our way around it though using our resources, so no big deal.  

10 October 2017

Today I met a cop.

I was taking a night drive, something I hadn't done in a while. While I was driving, I happened upon some cops, using their flashlight to signal. The guy appeared to signal to pull over so I did. He approached my car:

"Why did you pull over?"
"I thought you were signaling to pull over."
"Did you want a ticket?"
"Not really."
"I was just using the flashlight to show you I was here, since an accident happened."

He flashed his car across the skid marks that veered into the other lane and took a sharp turn into the phone pole a few feet in front of me.

"I saw you since I saw the lights."
"No worries, just be safe out there."
"Thanks, you be safe too." 

I left. What I didn't tell him is that I am pretty sure I saw a menehune creeping across the road earlier. It started to cross the road where the shadow was darkest, but as a cop car approached, it leapt back into the shadows. As soon as it passed, it snuck across as if I didn't see it. I did, but even the lights from my car didn't penetrate its figure.

I had to wonder if the driver in the accident saw them too. 

9 October 2017

Today I met my new coworkers.

One of them recently moved here... As in the past few months, and away from a tenured job because his wife wanted to be closer to her mom. I respect that. A close friend of mine is constantly trying to get me off the island, which is a true goal I should probably set. But I really enjoy being near my parents, especially knowing that my time with them is limited.

I don't know if this particular sentiment is the same as my coworker, but it's how I feel. 

8 October 2017

Today I met a coworker's girlfriend.

Again, I really hate when I don't remember people because... Well, their impressions of me are often when I'm drunk. When she had met me, I was pretty plastered and apparently speaking fluent Tagalog. Unfortunately, she understood me. Hah. 

Fortunately, she was super cool about it and didn't mind. We ended up talking about a variety of things, so overall was a win. 

7 October 2017

Today, I had a lady swear at me.

It didn't upset me, this lady is not all there anyway. She kept insisting we had her social security number, which isn't true... But in her mind I can see why, since she's failed every single credit check about getting a phone from us every time she tried.

She flashed a police report threateningly at me, and I saw it was blank but gave her a business card anyway to call someone from the store anyway.

After that, I let the managers know we should probably trespass her next time she rolls in.

5 October 2017

Today I met an older customer of mine.

We've known each other for some time, and I've heard he's rude to people. Fortunately he's never rude to me. We talked about his family, our recent vacations, and weirdly got into religion and stuff.

It was a weird sense of self-censorship I did listening to him. I didn't talk to him about my fascination with Hillary Clinton, and he had fairly strong opinions about the transgendered community... Yet he was open to it, even if it was in direct contrast with some of his view points. He also shared about the community service he does out and about in the world, particularly in Cambodia. 

It's always nice to see people be more than one-dimensional. 

3 October 2017

Today we had some corporate visitors.

I was kind of expecting them, so I showed them what I got. Obviously, I can't divulge what was said... But it was definitely one of those moments where I was very sure of who I was and what I know. Most of these people have been working for the company for 10 years, and I had a very captive audience with the amount of knowledge that I had working in the business. 

That being said, I sometimes wonder if I can handle. Today, I showed myself that despite my doubts, I can.  

2 October 2017

Today I met a guy who insisted I go before him in line.

You ever do that weird thing where you and another person are going to walk into each other, but then you take a step to the side to get out of their way? Except instead of getting out of their way, you guys walk right back into each other.

We did that, a few times, and I really did insist he get checked out before I did... But he let me go first. He was there first, so it only made sense. But he insisted, until I finally acquiesced.

Man I can be awkward.  

1 October 2017

Today I met a guy who was insistent upon his appointment.

I told him I would check him in but he got mad at me for not telling him that I checked him in late. I apologized and told him that I would check him in, but he was mad I didn't tell him to begin with.

I mean I probably should have told him, and I know that. But what am I gonna do if people are running late and it's out of my control? Nothing.

Anyway, when he left he thanked me. Thanking someone doesn't make being rude ok in the end. 

30 September 2017

Today I met a League of Legends player. 

He is apparently the 2nd ranked player in Hawaii for League of Legends, and he comes to our gaming tournaments once in a while. We chatted a little bit about how he likes to play, and what I like to do.

This guy was pretty awkward though, and he kept chuckling to himself about his answers. I made eye contact with one of my coworkers to fish myself out of that situation right away.

Usually in these situations, when people ask me more about myself than about the shared activity... I know it's a flirty kind of conversation. Send me a lifeline immediately if you ever see me there, please. 

29 September 2017

Today I met another cashier, this time at Alejandro's.

It was a busy day there. It was a definite increase over the traffic I had become accustomed to seeing from them. Of course, I liked the guy who ran the place and the food, so it's great to see their success. It's a small hole in the wall, that has some great branding for Mexican food. It helps the guy's mother cooks and helps out from time to time. You can see the kitchen from the front; what you see is definitely what you get. 

The cashier was a younger girl, maybe college aged. The part that stood out to me was that she had a full face of makeup and did not look like she was sweating. I, on the other hand, felt like I was melting. I don't know how she did it, but I was impressed.

She did a good job managing the line, phone orders, and pickups, and looked very composed doing it. 

28 September 2017

Today I met a real estate lawyer.

He wanted to try the VR, so I helped him through that. After that, I was asking what he and his companion do... And they shared that the guy buying a ton of product was their boss and most of their time is spent brokering deal and things. I asked him what real estate law is, and he shared that there are different things. He just made the paperwork for sales... Not any about drawing property lines.

Long story short, he ended up asking me what I do, and I kind of knew it was a hitting on me conversation. I was pretty embarrassed, and I think he was too, since he did offer me his business card.

I politely declined his number, and then found something else to do in the store until he left. 

26 September 2017

Today I met a police officer.

He came into the store looking for me because I had dropped my wallet. Someone took the cash out of it, but whatever. 

The guy was really nice and asked if I wanted to file a police report. I asked him how it benefits me, and he said it didn't really matter... And I could, but it wouldn't go anywhere because we didn't have witnesses.

He was nice enough to walk all the way to his squad car to get the paperwork I wouldn't end up filling out haha. 

25 September 2017

Today I didn't meet anyone... In fact, I'm pretty sure I just stayed home.

Someone I did meet though, or felt like I did, was Hillary Clinton. I bought her book, What Happened, and really enjoyed how personal it was. I felt like I got to know her and meet her through the pages, and got a good sense of her humor and values.

I remember Tam and I talked about people we would have dinner with if given the chance. I said my parents, even if my choice could have been of anyone in the world... So Hillary gets a close second.