28 November 2017

Today I met a someone's longtime friend.

Sometimes, the best way to gauge someone's closeness to them is watching how everyone responds to them. I'm naturally curious about people so I'll continue to ask questions until I'm satisfied with the answers. Unfortunately, that makes me blind to the fact that some people are full of crap.

Haha, thankfully I was told later: He's the friend who's been there in good and bad times, but he's probably the one who put us in the bad spots to begin with. 

27 November 2017

Today I met an ultrasound technician.

I had to go get something in my armpit checked out. Overall, she was pretty friendly. I asked her why they turn off the lights in ultrasounds, and she said it's mostly because it's easier to see the monitor. Also, some people just feel awkward with the lights on and someone looking at them.

Makes sense, but I've always wondered. Also, I didn't shave my armpit so I didn't want anyone to see that anyway. 

25 November 2017

Today I met a fairly insecure tool.

He came in asking for advice for his girlfriend's business, and demanded to speak to someone more knowledgable. I took over for my new hire, and we continued the conversation. 

"Are you familiar with HIPAA?"
"Yes, my parents run a carehome."
"Well I work at HMSA."

It was the snottiest and most condescending tone of voice. No one has talked to me like that in a while. Ok geez, you don't really have to walk around with a chip in your shoulder but that's cool. Anyway, the conversation moved along and he insisted he had a bad experience with some of my coworkers before. His manner didn't improve either, finding ways to undermine my knowledge or demean me in face of the competition.

"I could email you if you want. My name is Maxx."
"Is your name really Maxx?"

Uh. Shit really? It's on my nametag.

"Yeah, why? Is there a problem?"
"Oh uh. No no. I just haven't seen that name before." 
"Well, it's the one my parents gave me."
"Were they just trying to be unique?"
"Does it matter?"
"Oh no... I just was wondering." 

It was entertaining to see someone's manner shrivel up in the face of confrontation. He eventually left, but seriously what a jerk. 

24 November 2017

Today I went underwear shopping at Victoria's Secret.

I went to the one in Waikiki because there was no way in hell I was going back to the mall this day. It was pretty chill, but I will say that some people are brutal with their treatment of displays. 

There's a part of Victoria's Secret where the panties are laid flat, like a flying cabinet. It looked more a massacre of clothing all over the place. I made eye contact with the poor girl who had to fold them... And that is why I could never work in clothing retail. 

23 November 2017

Today I met a very panicked lady.

She came in on Thanksgiving worried about a computer she had ordered online. We ended up helping her, but she looked so distraught... Mostly because the computer she was interested in buying was definitely one of the cheaper ones that we had in the store. 

It's kind of crazy; the juxtaposition of consumption and frugality that Black Friday weekend encompasses. I mean it's the cheapest kind of greedy we can be I guess.

22 November 2017

Today, I met who I suspect is one of the owners of Brug.

I was buying bread because I wanted to eat my sardine sandwich. I was asking about the different pastries they have, and when they'll be open back in the new shopping center. Eventually, this guy  interjected and shared that they're looking at new menu items all the time. He then shared with me that Brug apparently does custard pies now, and in a blind taste test... It's better than St. Germaine's. 

Those are fighting words for anyone who loves St. Germaine's and custard pie... But I'm willing to give it a shot. I just need to call it in 1 day before I need it. 

20 November 2017

Today I met the sort of new nurse at my doctor's office.

I had met her previously, and honestly, she seemed pretty rude. After this visit though, she seemed to have warmed up considerably. Then again, she also seemed a lot less stressed than the other day, when I was the absolute last appointment of the day. 

She and I made conversation about the most awkward patient visit she had, and she said it was when she had to give an enema to a guy who was about her age. She said he was weirder about it than she was, and that was what made the whole procedure really weird. 

In other news, I only have slight inflammation and I'm generally very healthy otherwise. My doctor prescribed me fish oil because I couldn't stop asking about what causes it. 

19 November 2017

Today I met my friend at a brunch place called the Plumeria Beach House, and I met a waiter.

Well not really a waiter, but a waiter/busser. He was an older man and very sweet and helpful, albeit very slow. I've always had the softest spot for old people, and it never changes. If I get kidnapped, it's probably because I said yes to helping an elderly person walk across the street... Not because of strangers and candy and vans. 

He looked like the kind of guy who had been working there for 20 years and stayed because of his loyalty to the company. Luckily, the Plumeria Beach House is in a pretty nice and exclusive hotel, so he probably gets paid well.

I always hope that old people are loved, you're more likely to face losses at that age, you know? 

18 November 2017

Today I met a cast member at the Disney Store.

It was the cashier, and she asked us to have a magical day. Some people suit the places they work, and she just had a sweet demeanor, it wasn't any wonder she worked at the Disney Store. I know I couldn't work somewhere like that... I'm not someone who does well with canned phrases. 

I mean, sure I have my price, but I'm not exactly Disney material haha.

17 November 2017

Today I met a New Zealand Singer!

His name is Sam, and he sings for a New Zealand reggae band called Sons of Zion. I, of course, don't really know their music. I checked in with a friend of mine later, and she said I was wrong about it being religious (Zion is a pretty common religious reference)... She's the one who told me they're reggae. Ha.

One thing I like about New Zealand accents is that it has this adorable upward inflection where everything just sounds and seems interesting, and it's cute. If you've watched Thor: Ragnarok, the director voices one of the CGI characters... And it. Is. Great. It also sounds exactly like what I'm talking about. Check this video out here. To me, it's the only way I can tell someone's from NZ vs Australia. Haha. I just think they sound nicer. 

16 November 2017

Today I met an events coordinator.

It was a brief interaction, but it turns out that one of the local banks has a coordinator for their high-touch clients... Probably other businesses locally that have accounts in their bank. He was asking for ways we can partner, and I connected him with other people.

I didn't know banks have people that do that specifically... Although a former coworker did share with me that he did that for a bank in Vegas. You have to wine and dine your clients so they continue wanting to host their loans, accounts, or whatever else with you. A whole events coordinator though? I wonder how much banks make a day...

15 November 2017

Today I met some shop girls.

A boutique I visit in Chinatown opened a shop in Ala Moana, and I wasn't in the mood to eat, so I had time to check them out... Man, sometimes people are kind of blah. I mean the interaction wasn't really bad, and they did let me know what was available and new in the store... But if you're asking me, I didn't think they did a good job of letting me know they're selling stuff. It was very... Boring.

Also, this opinion might be because this season's clothes are kind of ehhh anyway. Still, that's even more of a reason to be more excitable! You gotta sell some stuff! 

14 November 2017

Today I met a post office clerk.

He was so friendly, though most of the ones at office I go to usually are. While I was filling out the customs form, I could hear him giving directions and suggestions for the different needs of the people filing in... AND he was doing it while attending to customers in the extremely long line. This place is so good that the post office woman at the line let me know that I filled out the wrong form, and gave me time to write the new one.

After I got to the original post office clerk I mentioned, he and I made small talk about how our days were going. I eventually said, "Wow you guys are so fast."
"Oh we try, but thank you."

Damn, I love the post office. Also here's a great write up in the NY Times of why some other people do too.

13 November 2017

Today I met a phlebotomist. 

She was really nice and one of the better ones I've had in my life. When she inserted the needles and pulled it out, it hurt significantly less than previous experiences... I could smell the stench of cigarettes on her. It made me wonder if she questioned her health as she faced people who needed blood tests everyday.

Everyone has their thing, sure, but man. I don't know if I could do that if I was in healthcare. I feel like my clientele would be judging me hardcore. 

12 November 2017

Today, I encountered some stupid tourists.

Tam and I were in Mitsuwa Marketplace, and we were waiting for his friends to purchase something. The following conversation ensued between some tourists to the cahiser:

"Hey, can we get the local discount? We don't have our IDs, but we're locals born and raised here, just like you."
"No. I can't do that."

The people eventually paid for the stuff and left. Couple of things, it's not the local discount here... And if you were local, you'd know that. It's kama'aina, and you'd call it that if you were actually local. Secondly, and probably the most ironic of this whole exchange. These people were white as white can be... And they were saying that to someone who was even whiter than them.


11 November 2017

Today I met an old man who told me I was pretty.

We were talking about Skype and how to use it. Anyone who knows me also knows that I generally have a soft spot for old people. He had a heavy accent so I didn't understand him the first couple of times, eventually I got it. We chatted a little more and he went on his way.

I feel like elder loneliness is a real thing that we don't acknowledge as a possible reality in our youth. It makes me sad.

10 November 2017

Today, we went to the sunflower fields in Waialua.

Dupont does seed testing up there, and every year, opens up the field to the public for viewing. We met some very nice volunteers who required that we watch a video before entering the fields. They went over how Dupont is involved in the community and is using any proceeds to non-profit groups in the area.

After we talked away, Tam and I talked about how they do a good job with their PR. I remember last year, I read this really great writeup about DuPont and Teflon here. Seeds and teflon aren't in the same industry, and yet it's the same conglomerate. I guess it's good to have a wide portfolio, at the cost of other people at times...

9 November 2017

Today I met two women from a foster care organization.

They were trying out different mixed reality headsets for an event we might be partnering with them on. The event is geared towards around a thousand kids in the foster care system. We talked about the different kinds of activities that my work can create for the kids.

What struck out is that I never once gave them my name, but they saw it on my nametag, and began addressing me as such. I've done that to restaurant workers so it was easier to get their attention, but to have it done on me is unexpected. People care about the way you treat them, and they'll definitely remember it when it serves them.