9 July 2017

Someone I met today is a professional football player.

I don't really follow sports, but I do volunteer at random events throughout the year. I met Michael Bennett today of the Seattle Seahawks doing work with The Bennett Foundation. We didn't talk much, but a couple things stood out. He's huge, well to me, a 125 pound 5'4" person. 

When I met him, he was sitting as his booth rapping to himself as kids ran drills on the football field. It seemed like a pretty chill day to him, especially considering that he wasn't in the sun at all. Either way, it's cool that he participates in this community despite not coming from it. 

His wife is from Hawaii, but he used to be extremely overweight despite the fact he plays football. Combined together, his foundation works to fight against childhood obesity. That's awesome.

8 July 2017

Someone I met today knows me from pictures.

I know I mentioned once that it's weird when someone knows you before you know them. This was one of those instances. I was introduced to a bunch of different people, and one of them shared, "Hey! I've seen you from all the pictures."

Jokes on him though, I think I've heard more stories about him than the other way around.

7 July 2017

Someone I met today is a future student of Embry Riddle

She came in asking about one of our products, as she owned the previous iteration. I shared with her that information, and asked her what she wanted to use it for. She shared she would be starting at Embry-Riddle to study aerospace engineering.

I thought it was cool, and told her about how NASA recently announced their astronaut candidate class, and Johnny Kim was one of them. No joke, this guy was a NAVY Seal and studying to be a doctor... And now he's an astronaut.

I joked with her that it's one way to overachieve and hoped she would enjoy school.

6 July 2017

Someone I met today was hosting a tournament at a bar.

I went out with some of my coworkers to check out competitive gaming at Osoyami Bar. One of my coworkers had gone earlier because he wanted to enter the tournament for fun.

After about an hour, we were wondering when he would be placed into the bracket. Eventually, one of the works approached us with $5.

"Uh... Sorry, we didn't really we had 2 Josh's so we didn't include you into the tournament bracket."

Fortunately, Josh was a good sport about it. He knew he was out of his league anyway. It was just amusing to me because I'm sure there are websites and apps that can manage that for you. 

5 July 2017

Someone I met today is a police officer from Australia.

He was really interested in our product, and joked to me, "I'm only here because I've heard you're the best sales person here."

Truth is, he had been watching me demo different products to people and got them excited about it. I showed him a few things, before he divulged he wanted to know what the latest and greatest was.

I asked a little about what he did and does, and he shared he's a police officer. While they currently use iPads, he wanted to upgrade. He shared, that unfortunately, it takes a while to upgrade since he's part of a government entity.

"You know how that goes." 

4 July 2017

Someone I met today is a waiter.

I think in these past few days, I've met more people who have transplanted to Hawaii. It was a waiter today, from South Africa. We talked about how there aren't very many people from South Africa here, and he himself has only met 3. I told him my high school teacher was one. 

He shared he was planning to travel the world. But when he came here, he just knew it was where it wanted to be. 

3 July 2017

Someone I met today works for the Hawaii Polo Club.

If you didn't know, we have a polo field in Waimanalo. This fellow, was a British man who's kind of wandered all over and decided that he liked this place best. I helped him, and he was waiting for his boss to roll in.

His boss eventually did roll in, and it turns out that this guy owns a media company and possibly some other stuff. I wouldn't have guessed that he was, or is, a professional polo player, but that's what was disclosed.

2 July 2017

Someone I met today is a retired post office lady.

She always thinks it's funny I remember her as that, mostly because we've built up a casual friendship outside of that. I told her post office people fascinate me because you're always running into different kinds of people and their homes when delivering mail.

Anyway, we know each other because of my work. One of my favorite things about this woman is that she just travels in her free time, wherever she can. Last I saw her, she went to Antartica. Now, she's planning a trip to Iceland... Which I've done recently. Obviously. 

I gave her my best advice, but it's all up to her. She's a cool old lady.

1 July 2017

Someone I met today is an active soldier.

Kayte and I were going to the beach today, and the whole family was meeting their friend at a coffee spot. He and his wife recently moved from Germany to here. He seemed very friendly and personable. We talked about how his sister, a nutritionist, hated that he cooked his meat rare and scolded him when he ate it in front of her.

When he left, Kayte shared with me that he has PTSD, but loves his wife very much. It reminds me of how her husband used to have it, but she helped him through it. You never know what people are going through, but it definitely highlights the importance of a support system. 

30 June 2017

Someone I met works for a food truck.

Tam and I decided to go to Eat the Street today since the theme was spicy. After walking around, we decided on a food truck called La Roux. They serve Cajun and Creole food. Seemed legit.

We waited in line for about 15-20 minutes, par for the course at any food truck thing. As we approached the counter we heard the following:

"Can I order the sampler?"
"We're out of gumbo."
"How about just the jambalaya?"
"We're out of that too."
"What about the dump truck fries?"
"Oh... We ran out of steak."

At some point, we were thinking, why don't you just say what you do have. The girl then proceeded to announce what the truck didn't have to the line... Except no one could hear her. It wasn't going to be a good experience for anyone after that.

We ended up getting the etouffee and crab fries... And they were alright. Almost not worth the line at all. 

29 June 2017

Someone I met today was on a scavenger hunt.

She rolled into our store asking for a product over $1000. I showed her the signs and offered to hold the sign with the picture. She asked to take a picture with me as well, mostly since that was also one of the requests. Her shirt said "Family Connections" so it was easy to see it was a team bonding activity.

I've always liked the idea of scavenger hunts. The idea of it feels adventurous, even if you're looking for mundane things. 

28 June 2017

Someone I met today works in public health.

More accurately, he operates in a few Public Health Care Agencies. When I asked him where he worked out of, he said a few of them were in the state, but he also does some in Guam and Micronesia.

"Oh! One of my friends works with public health in Micronesia."
"Oh really? Do you know where?"
"Yeah, she does non-communicable diseases in Yap!"
"If you get a chance you should visit her, Yap is beautiful."

The guy was really chill for the most part, and was only buying himself extra accessories. You never know what kinds of people you can expect to meet when you work in a place I do.

27 June 2017

Someone I met today works for a partner company.

I don't know if you've ever been in a business meeting; I generally never am. The reason we met today is because I'm supposed to be working with him on a business presentation. When he was talking, a lot of his ideas fell out of our scope of services. I remained composed and convinced him to change his presentation talking points to something that the store could cover.

In the end, he agreed with most of what I said and provided me with the tools needed to do the presentation. Overall, a win for me. Sometimes, meeting other people lets you learn more about yourself in certain situations. I liked who I was in this one. 

25 June 2017

Someone I encountered today was a woman discussing her impending marriage to the groom's brother.

It wasn't really a meeting, but more of an awkward encounter at an ice cream shop. The pair sat on the opposite end of a rather large table. We gathered that the groom wanted her to work, but she just wanted to be a housewife. What was interesting is that both these people were clearly not native English speakers... But were conducting most of the conversation in English. One of them was Japanese, and the other was Chinese... So maybe their primary languages weren't the same.

Although, they did speak in another language for some of it... So it made us wonder. 

24 June 2017

Someone I met today is a waitress. 

She was at the Hideout at the Laylow, a new restaurant bar in Waikiki. Her accent was beautifully Irish, and no matter what she said, it sounded like it was the happiest thing she had ever said in her life. I asked her what brought her to Hawaii, and she said she's been living across the states for years... Then when she came here, she decided she liked it and never wanted to leave. 

I'd might feel the same way too if I wasn't from here.

23 June 2017

Someone I met today is a police officer!

My dad has been spending a lot of time outside, since he's giving the house a new coat of paint. Some guys came into our garage today, trying to steal our soursop plants. They feigned knowing the owner, and asking for the person who hired the painter... Obviously that wasn't the case. My dad said that they must be at the wrong house and asked that they leave. They didn't, so he chased them off.

I eventually called the cops, and the one who does our beat came down. He shared with some parents some tips, like calling ASAP so they can officially trespass them. Police officers aren't allowed to make a trespassing report unless the person is there... So ok.

Anyway, he seemed nice, I've just never had a cop in my house before. 

22 June 2017

Someone I met today had her flight delayed.

She shared with us that she had been at the PDX airport since 10pm the night before; the flight that was supposed to take her home didn't arrive till 12am. Since it was so late, they weren't going to fly. The group was offered hotels rooms, but she figured that she would only be sleeping in it for 3 hours before having to get back to the airport. She and another woman banded together to explore all of PDX, and found some people who suggested they sleep on the floor.

Obviously, she was grossed out by this and said no.

I asked her where home is, and she said it's an hour south of Seattle... So she had to run to her next flight so she doesn't miss it. She had been up for 24 hours at that point and was a little frazzled.

I don't blame her. I'm impressed by how composed she was. I would have been a little pissed. 

21 June 2017

Someone I met today profiled me.

I was at Trader Joe's buying a plethora of snacks that my parents requested. While I was ringing out, the cashier and I struck up a conversation.

"So when's your flight?"
"Not till tomorrow."


"How'd you know I was going to be on a flight?"
"All the Hawaii people tend to buy the same kinds of snacks in bulk. Is it because you can't get them there?"

I chuckled and shared that some of the snacks and produce I was buying aren't things that are easily available. For some products, the versions at home don't taste nearly as good.