18 December 2017

Today I observed some people during my safety check at McKinley Car Wash.

I parked my car behind the other cars queued up, and took a seat. The guy doing the checks seemed really happy today, compared to other years I've had seen him. Anyway, I'm sitting there, as is the taxi cab driver in front of me... When this car drives in.

If you've never been to McKinley Car Wash, let me lay it out. There are 4 one way lanes, originating in the same direction. 3 of the lanes are used for the gas and carwash service. The last lane is the widest; half of it is for the previously mentioned queue, and the other part is for people to exit should they choose to leave the queue. This is the only lane in the whole carwash that is mostly empty.

The car that drove in came in from the other direction, as in the wrong way. THEN, it pulls into the safety check garage. Or attempts to. The taxi cab guy tried to tell her that there was a queue, but she ignored him. The safety check guy approached her and basically was like, you came the wrong way, go fix it. 

Anyway, she pulled in behind me and that was it. She was super nice when talking to the safety check guy, probably because she knew she goofed... But still. Some people don't have any sense of pattern or order I guess.