5 June 2017

Someone I met today was very fixated on money.

He was talking to a coworker of mine very enthusiastically about some of our products and future updates. While talking he shared that he runs a fiberoptics company. Most of the conversation revolved around technology and its uses; though it eventually turned to the men this person knew.

"One of my friends is a VC. He's rich, and he's been an angel investor for some startups. Anyway, I'm in the Claremont Hotel, and we go to dinner. It's like $55, and the man asks me to split it. Can you believe it? I told him I think I can handle it this time. I mean it's only $55, but could you imagine? With all that money?"

He then shared a similar story about how this man didn't just buy a new tent for Burning Man. I guess he couldn't just believe that someone didn't want to waste money. Personally, I admire people who continue to be sensible and frugal despite having mass amounts of it. 

Though, I think I could treat someone to lunch every once in a while.