3 June 2017

Someone I met today is a college student. 

I was volunteering at the Special Olympics and was paired up with some college kids. The one I sat next to is 19, and just finished his sophomore year. He is tall with elfish features; pointy ears and a playful face that gleamed with mischief every time he smiled. 

We talked a little bit and he liked reading, enjoyed soursop, and had atemoya fruits in his yard. Every time he talked, and even the way he responded to me reminds me of my brother at that age. The same amount of enthusiasm and similar types of responses. I think that endeared him to me, because I do miss my younger brother sometimes.

Then, a girl showed up. She's a member of the same academic club. He turned her attention to her completely, and it was then I realized he might like her. Maybe. I'm terrible at telling, and I took no offense to it; one of my good friends was with me anyway. When this boy left, he said bye to all of us.

As he walked away, he turned around and looked at no one else but her.