21 March 2017

Someone I met today is a Spanish lady. We were at the Myvatn Nature Baths an hour away from Akureyri. Akureyri is the northernmost city in Iceland, which is where we were spending most of our vacation. We had met some very bored, uninterested teenagers in Husavík, but I didn't interact with them much. Beyond buying an Icelandic hotdog. 

In Iceland, it's customary to take a full on shower before jumping into the pool. It was a little awkward because I'm a little shy of being naked in front ofstrangers, but I was able to snag a private stall and shower in there. After that, we made it to the pools, and it was so cold walking from the bathhouse to the actual pool. It felt like death was upon me.

There literally was snow a foot away from the geothermal pool in many areas... But it was so relaxing overall. Especially with all the walking we did around NYC and driving in Iceland up until that point.

When I went back to the shower, there were some Spanish ladies in the bathroom. They were braver than me and were completely naked in the showers. I had dropped my locker coin and it rolled over to one of them, who was half dressed. She picked it up and handed to me with a smile.

Honestly, I was just so impressed at how comfortable she was with her nakedness. Because to me, watching the coin roll all the way to her feet lasted 100 awkward years.