17 March 2017

Someone I met today was a  flight attendant, or rather two of them. We were sitting in the extra comfort seats, and if you're familiar with jump seats, you'll be sitting across a flight attendant and take-off and landing. Sometimes off-duty flight attendants can use them to fly somewhere. 

The first flight attendant had recently come off maternity leave and was getting used to flying. She was excited to be back in the air, but really missed her son. We did talked about her favorite places to eat in NYC and why we're going to Iceland. We asked her for some pizza recommendations but she didn't have a specific favorite.

The second flight attendant was a man making use of his off-duty time to take his daughter to tour colleges. I saw he was reading a self-help book, and he shared with me that he was separated from her mom. We talked about Iceland and the power of names, and the power of seeing how fortunate you are. 

Our service was really good, I'm sure because we were super polite to the jumpseat guy. I mean, no use being rude if you're going to be staring at each other for most of the flight. I learned that the HA flight attendants generally stay around Hell's Kitchen, and there are apparently really good eats around there. 

Overall, they wished us well and it totally reminded me why I like flying with them.