19 February 2017

Someone I met today is a parent.

He and his kid were visiting from the Big Island. They're competing tomorrow for a robotics competition. He shared with me that he is a chaperone for the group, and the group was attending the qualifiers for the VEX World Championship in Kentucky.

He said that his son gave up baseball, judo, and basically all after school activities for robotics. The team meets everyday after school, so it's a big commitment. I told him that it was cool his son was interested in coding and robotics, since it's going to be such an important skill in the future. It was even cooler that the son was in elementary school and they qualified last year!

I also complimented this man for being supportive of his kid, and he said that was the most important part. It's really great to see supportive parents all the time. I looked up the link again, and it turns out its the same competition I wrote about a month or so ago. 

It's so amazing how much talent comes out of Hawaii once you start looking.