23 January 2017

I didn't meet anyone today.

Doing what I do, it's important sometimes to just lay on your face and just be alone for a couple of hours. I do enjoy talking to people and engaging in the world, but I also just like being alone. Sometimes, I really just need to be alone. Today, was one of the most productive lazy days I've had in a long time and I couldn't be happier about it.

I did send out a message to someone about their job... And I'll fill that in later if they ever respond, but that just reminds me of a few people I've met and emailed about themselves or things around them:

  • A woman who works at a bank. Bank was paying her to get her MBA(?) so that she can better build services that will affect customer experience. She had originally gotten her BA in Psychology.
  • A woman from Iceland who was a published author and poet. She used to do stained glass and metal prints. However, her husband died and she injured herself... So she went to live with her sister here for a few months. She also owns a vineyard in Barcelona. 
  • A woman who works in Public Health in Micronesia. She teaches it. I raved about Moana to her and asked her if she knew anyone who could share folklore with me. 

I'm sure there were more, but I have always sent out the emails to these people who have given them to me. And.. AS OF THIS MOMENT ONE OF THEM EMAILED ME BACK. I was going to go on about how people you meet might never get back to you, but really. I guess I can talk about her now. 

"So are you a student or a teacher?"
"Oh... I teach public health."
"You look really young for a teacher! I wouldn't have guessed that."
"Oh... Thank you."

She had a shy smile. The woman was petite and didn't look any older than me. It would be impressive if she taught at UH at that age. Most of the teachers are old. 

"Where do you teach?"
"Oh. I teach in Micronesia."

That was even cooler. Around the time I met her, I had just seen Moana. I raved about it to her for a couple of minutes and really recommended that she should see it. I asked her where she was from in Micronesia, since one of my friends is from Pohnpei. She said she was from the Yap State, and I admitted I didn't know where that was. 

"I hope I'm not talking too much. I just really liked the movie. It definitely got me more interested in the mythology, but I had a hard time finding it online."
"Oh that's good. Yeah, a lot of the younger kids don't care about it much anymore."
"I feel the same way! It's too bad because you don't know many people who want to learn about it too."
"Yeah... Well, if you want I can ask some people around where I'm from and let you know what they say."
"Really you'd do that?"
"Yeah. Besides, it's not really that hard to find anyone in Micronesia." 

I thanked her and took her email down. I penned her an email a few days after that, so excited about my new acquaintance. Then... Nothing. I assumed she forgot about it. It wouldn't have been the first time. Usually when people say email me, I usually do email them and ask about what we talked about. I figured the most that they would do is not email me back.

But... The woman from Micronesia emailed me back! With a link about some of the mythology. Which I'm now going to read. She sent it at the beginning of the new year, but because of the way my email is set up, I don't check that folder all that frequently. I will now since I do get some emails about my community service in there... Oops. 

Anyway, I emailed her back and I hope to hear from her soon! In case you're wondering, here's the link of what she sent me. You never know what people are willing to do and as hard sometimes as it is to reach out... You never know who will reach back!