27 March 2017

Someone I met today led our Reykjavík Food Walk... And another one was attending it. 

We had decided to do a food tour because we had absolutely no clue what we should eat while we were still here. 

Since we spent most of the day together, I'll just share what I learned about her and from her. She seems to be a single mother with a 3-year old daughter at home. She shared that high school is basically from 13-16, and 16-18 is college. College in Iceland is kind of where you can specialize your study in anything specific, and you can do it either multiple times, or get multiple degrees. College differs from university, but it still involves a really lengthy and involved study of the Nordic mythology.

Iceland reuses a lot of stuff, and it's practically a crime to not recycle. She said the only thing they don't recycle is consumable plastics, but the country is likely moving towards banning plastic bags. I really admire how committed they are to preserving the natural environment. 

The other woman I met on the tour was interesting, only because she didn't realize how much luxury she had compared to the rest of us.

"Yeah, so before the trip I realized my passport still had my maiden name on my passport. It's really when my dad's pilot lessons and license came in handy. He flew me to the passport office so I could fix it and then flew me back so I could get to work. If he didn't do that, it would have been a 7 hour drive, but instead it took two hours. I really recommend people look into doing it. It's so useful." 

Uh. Sure.