11 May 2017

Someone I met today is a waitress.

I actually know her from before, as we've worked together before. It's interesting to see someone cycle through different jobs as you've known them. I've known her for 4 years, and worked with her for less than 1. In that time, I think she's changed jobs 3 times, that I know of. Could be more? 

Some people like that lifestyle, but it isn't for me... Then again, stability isn't for everyone either.

9 May 2017

Someone I met today is a life insurance agent.

She came in angry, but I was able to turn that around really easily. I stepped away, only to come back and hear that they were looking for me. I had to poop, it took a while. Anyway, this woman tried to recruit me into the life insurance company she works for.

My personality is quite winsome overall. Well, she specifically said it was because I was so nice, helpful and smart.

I turned it down. But it isn't the first time that people have tried to recruit me for jobs. It's just... Awkward. Haha. You must be brave to proposition someone in their place of work.

8 May 2017

Someone I met today is a waiter.

My friends and I went to Arancino di Mare for our collective birthday dinners. The food is generally very good. It felt mostly meh today, but our waiter was really bland.

I mean, he was perfectly nice and grew on us during the night... But he just seemed a little stiff, which occasionally read as rude. 

Oh well, not everyone you meet can be a gem. It also depends on your own mood at the time too... Right? 

7 May 2017

Someone I met today was someone I met before.

It was the man with the felt heart pinned to his shirt... But today, he had his daughter with him. She looked to be about 5 or 6, and she was sweet and playful. It made me wonder how old the son he lost was. Younger than her? Older than her? How long ago did he die.

Do you wonder about the little pockets of people that you meet in passing? Maybe not. I was told it was a weird thing to wonder once. 

6 May 2017

Someone I met today was calling my attention rudely.

He yelled at me as he was walking through the door.

 "Hey, are you working or are you on break?"
"Uh... I didn't say anything to indicat-"
"I know you didn't say anything."
"So what do you need?"

He then proceeded to rant about something for about 5 minutes that had no relevance to me. Then he left.

Some people are just so sad.

4 May 2017

Someone I met today recycles computers.

I asked him, or them (since it was a pair), where they recycle computers from. Mostly schools, and government. They shared with me that many schools already get government leftovers, regardless of their computer turn over.

It just made me think of how much electronic waste that our state makes, and how wasteful the current trends around technology are.

3 May 2017

Someone I met today was a woman at Painting with a Twist.

She was actually the instructor... She was alright. Too chatty and upbeat. A lot of the jokes she made were at her own expense, which is fine. Except she was just annoying. Like extremely chatty with bad jokes. She talked a lot, so I barely talk to my mom... Who I was there with. I also like quiet time when I do artistic stuff. 

Maybe it's an awkward tick, but based on what she said... She's not from here. I wonder how well received she is by people who culturally are just more reserved. 

2 May 2017

Someone I met today was on quite the shopping spree.

She came in and asked me about Xbox and what someone should get for it. It seemed really strange that she was telling me to pick out everything.

I asked who it was for, and she said it was for her son.

"What's the occasion?"
"I have cancer. My son is only 25, and he's driving me to the hospital, sitting with me through chemo. He's young, he doesn't have to do that, but he's so good."

Alrighty then. I helped her pick all the best stuff, since she didn't want to spare any expense on him. After getting her to pay, I assisted her to her car.

"Thank you for bringing it for me. I also have MS, which caused me to end my career in nursing. It's also when I started finding out more about my body, and just a lot of things aren't working. It's when I got the cancer, and it's really just difficult."

We chatted a little bit, and then parted ways. I looked her up on facebook later, and I felt bad. Her pictures showed a woman who was vibrant and lovely. The woman I met was just... a pale ghost of that. I could only imagine how painful that is; watching your own deterioration and knowing what's next.


1 May 2017

Someone I met today is a STEM teacher.

He grew up poor in Detroit, Michigan. He went to college and dropped his 3.9 GPA to 2.something because his roommate won the lottery. He took forever to graduate college and he got there.

I watched him present, and his demeanor when talking about something he thought was alright. It was bored, rushed, and unenthused. When it was about STEM though, he had a different kind of enthusiasm. It's nice to see that passion.

I don't think everyone can be passionate about everything. When you're passionate about something, it consumes you. Could you imagine being consumed by everything?  

30 April 2017

Someone I met today... Is no one. Maybe a newer version of myself?

I stayed today, which is why I can't remember anyone. I guess it's a good time to reflect on this project, which I've been doing for the better part of 3 months. It's difficult meeting new people all the time.

I think by nature I'm slightly introverted. I don't like talking to strangers in environments where I'm the new person. I can think of all the large group settings where I've done poorly when I'm the new kid on the block. Crazy right? 

I don't know if people ever guess that of me, but it's true. Although, my curiosity overrides a lot of this. It's also something I've learned that it's something I've always done. 

But I'm a weirdo, and I accept that. 

29 April 2017

Someone I met today is a firefighter.

I went to an event where there was a lot of STEM activity... And firefighters. They were showing the kids at this Boy Scouts event how a firetruck looks like inside and let you use the hose!

I got to shoot one of the hoses. The hose was about 2 inches in diameter and is easier to handle that some of the larger hoses. From what I learned, they carry a multitude of different hose sizes and liquids. The liquid I got to shoot is a foam that's supposed to be a good fire-retardant, and is more effective than water. The trucks themselves carry about 750 gallons of water (or foam).

I also learned that they usually use 2 people to man a hose, or use the larger hoses in defensive strategies. Overall, pretty cool, but nothing exciting. 

28 April 2017

Someone I met today is the owner of a school.

I was doing a presentation for teachers today, and this guy came in late. He asked a lot of questions, but I moved through the presentation like normal... Even if he was being a little disruptive. At one point he sidetracked a few teachers, but I was able to reel the room back in and continue what I was doing.

At the end of the session, he approached me and apologized for interrupting my session. I acknowledged that the questions are necessary to maximize the effectiveness of the presentation.

It was later revealed to me he's the new owner, and he does it to everyone. That made me feel better... Although to me, no matter who you are, it's rude to be late and then disruptive.

27 April 2017

Someone I met today... Was no one. I called out sick because I had the shingles. :| 

Instead, I stayed at home with my face on fire, and played video games. I'm a little ashamed because I spent 11 hours playing video games. That said, this is an appropriate time to talk about the people I met on Sunday.

The husband/boyfriend/guy was purchasing a Surface Book for himself. I asked him what he does. He used to draw monsters and creatures for card games and video games, but since moving back to Hawaii... He has been doing more independent work.

He said he likes the independence but misses the constant work. His wife/girlfriend/girl is a nurse, so I know they at least have some kind of steady income. Moving from a place of more to less, whether it's opportunities, friends, money, is a tough choice. Whatever his reason for moving home, he definitely seemed happy with himself and the people he's with.

That's the most important part.  

26 April 2017

Someone I met today was the new nurse at my gynecologist's office.

My gyno is a nice guy, and I highly recommend him to anyone who asks. Really, he's great. Super friendly and very mild-mannered. When his nurses are a little grumpy or gruff, it makes me wonder why he hired them. Then again, he does share his practice with 2 other doctors... So maybe one of the other ones are in charge of hiring.

Who knows, but A+ to the lady bits doctor. He gave me my follow-up hepatitis A shot. He's the real MVP. 

25 April 2017

Someone I met today designed sound systems.

I feel like this is an in-demand ability, but so oddly specific. One of my acquaintances from high school does this for Disneyland, or something like it. I understand you have to understand how sound moves in a space and what tools you can use to amplify/take away certain qualities in the room.

I wonder how people who does this get into it, or how do you decide that's a thing you want to do? There are a lot of really interesting occupations out in the world, but the people who end up in them sometimes didn't plan to be there at all. 

24 April 2017

Someone I met today... Well I didn't really meet anyone today. I had a lot of training to do and preparation, so I was kind of buried in the content.

The day before, I met a girl I went to school with in college. I asked if she went to UH and we talked about different subjects, and many of hers overlapped with mine. It turns out that instead of doing biology, like what she was studying originally, she ended up deciding to open her own Etsy shop for soap.

I thought that was really cool! I respect that people change their approach and pivot towards something that they maybe prefer more. Not everyone is as brave to be able to do so. 

23 April 2017

Someone I met today is a teacher.

He came into the store asking for something, and he was a little ruddy. His attire told me he wasn't from here, as he wore jeans and a collared shirt on a humid and rainy spring day. That's not a normal choice, for anyone. I'd be wearing slippers and as little clothing as possible. That is a fact.

"So what brings you to Hawaii."
"I'm here for a conference."
"What kind of conference?"
"The conference is about magnetic resonance imaging."


"So you do MRIs?"

He gave me a pause and a quick blink, and replied, "Yes." We talked about it a little more, and he's been a teacher in Texas for 30 years. This conference is held around the world every year, from Singapore, to Kyoto, and Montreal. 

I mean he was nice, and that was all cool to hear. I just thought it how he said MRI was so interesting. I guess some laymen wouldn't understand the acronym, but making that assumption that all of them don't could make you look pretentious.  

22 April 2017

Someone I met today is an exercise instructor.

Jeanessa heavily recommended I come to her pure barre class, The Bar Method, so I did. The facilities there are super nice, and the instructor I met was very friendly! It's a very welcoming environment.

When I had mentioned Jeanessa and I have known each other for a long time, she was wondering about the stories I knew about her when we were younger. I told her Jeanessa wasn't that awkward, but it's always eye-opening to see how other people view your friends. It's not often you get to experience someone you already know through a new lens.

Unfortunately for me, I had been feeling a little sick that morning and had to leave early... But it was a good experience overall.