21 April 2017

Someone I met today told me what to do when I lose my receipt at Sam's Club.

We went to Sam's Club for my parents and had a snack in their foodcourt. As we were leaving, I realized I had misplaced the receipt. Like seriously misplaced it right after I very audibly said:

"I need to give this to my parents as a business expense."

Yeah. So I'm scanning my pockets and I see a couple near me share a small chuckle.

"Did you lose your receipt."
"... Yeah."
"Oh, you can go customer service and they'll reprint you one. We did it before too."

So of course I went and waited as they printed me a receipt. What they have to do is pull the digital journal and print it via computer. I felt really dumb. 

Me forgetting stuff happens once in a while. I completely misplaced a movie ticket like 5 minutes after receiving it, so it doesn't surprise me... It's just really unbelievable when it happens. 

20 April 2017

Someone I met today was very proud of his wife.

I noticed he strolled in and out of the store a couple of times and ended up talking with him. He was impressed about our products, but I turned the conversation to ask about what his wife did since she was the one buying the computer.

She's a software engineer for a company in Japan that's expanding here. The company is apparently doing so well now that they were buying their employees new computers.

It was just nice to hear a guy so proud of his wife and did not talk about himself at all, only when asked. I think having a supportive partner is important and it's cool that they do a good job at it.  

19 April 2017

Someone I met today is a shopkeeper.

I went to House of Aria today because I saw the following dress on sale. I wanted to try it on, so I headed over to their relocated spot in Ward Centre. It was cool and all, but the shopkeeper was just kind of disinterested and a little bland. Considering that it's kind of empty in Ward, I don't blame her... But wouldn't that make you excited to see people? 

I didn't even get recommendations or anything. The dress was alright, color wasn't that great on me. Didn't buy, may not be back.

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18 April 2017

Someone I met today returned my keys to me.

I've probably written about this place before, but Kona Coffee Purveyors is really great! They have such good kouign amans, I don't know what else to say. 

What I do know is that Chinese tourists generally get a bad rap, but today was really nice. We went to get coffee and breakfast here. Keep in mind, I wear tight jeans, so my pockets are often small. After standing up to leave I hear a heavily accented, "HELLO, HELLO!"

The Chinese-speaking tourist who took my seat was returning my keys to me. To be fair, I noticed my pockets weren't as bulky so I did notice they were missing. It was just nice to see someone being kind.

But then it begs the question, what is the go to phrase by tourists to get someone's attention? If it's hello in English, and fairly easy to guess in European countries, what about Asian ones? What's it like in China, where it's super crowded and everyone is vying for attention?


15 April 2017

Someone I met today was just weird.

I was leaving work and this guy approached me. He was close to my height, and was average looking. 

"Do you think I'm ugly?"

I looked behind him and saw that there were other people.

"I don't know these guys, they didn't put me up to this."
"You don't know these guys?"

The guys behind him shook their heads.

"Well, I don't really feel like answering that question."
"Is it because I'm ugly?"
"No, it's because it's an inappropriate question to ask a stranger. It's weird and it's awkward. Bye."

13 April 2017

Someone I met today has his own business. That's pretty standard for a lot of people I meet... Although, after talking with him today, I just wonder what you expect from customers when you're the business owner... And how that differs when you're on the customer side. 

I suppose there's some cognitive dissonance around what your expectations are for yourself vs. what they are for other people. 

12 April 2017

Someone I met today is a work acquaintance.

We work together occasionally and we met for lunch. I sometimes worry about hanging out with people outside our normal setting because it can sometimes be date-ish. That was not the case.

We ended up speaking about the Growth Mindset and what training tools and strategy he can use with students. The conversation also glazed over the differences between non-profit and for-profit schools, and the ideological differences between the two. 

Overall it was a good conversation. To me it was weird, because I've never had a professional contact before that I've cultivated on my own! Yay me!

11 April 2017

Someone I met today works for the military police.

He was bald and clean cut, wearing a black polo and khaki pants. We were walking around and talking when he shared he had just finished work. It explained the slippers I saw him wearing... Which revealed a his deep, glittery, purple toenails.

"Do you paint your toenails yourself?"
"No way! I have someone else do it."
"Huh, I guess my dad likes pedicures too. Although, he doesn't like when they massage it because it tickles."
"Yeah... I don't like the scrubber."

My dad always says to look at people's toenails. It's the last thing most people think about cleaning, and they often forget. I can tell you though, this guy definitely didn't forget.

10 April 2017

Someone I met today... Is someone I didn't.

I guess I've never talked about my missed opportunities in meeting people, but it happens. Today, Beth Fukumoto rolled into the store. I watched her interact with someone and leave, feeling that I missed my opportunity.

I'm really in awe of this woman because she reads to me like a true moderate, which is something I feel as well. I think it's unfortunate that her desire for change is being punished, and that there are people who are less likely to compromise and work together for a better outcome. 

I admire her bravery considering how heavily criticized she has been and knew she would be. Changing your mind or admitting your mistakes in a public space is a scary thing to do and she did it. 

I just kind of wish I had said something like wow, you're great, and I admire that.

8 April 2017

Someone I met today works at a bank.

I was volunteering at the Salt Lake Elementary School and started talking to another volunteer. She was there for her bank, and shared she does commercial loans there. 

Turns out she has 3 sons and one of them moved home recently. We discussed family and how it isn't the same when everyone isn't around. I told her I felt the same way about my family, and she wondered if it was just a Hawaii thing.

I told her it wasn't, and shared stories of people I've met who do the same thing as us here.

I think it's relieving to know what you're doing really isn't weird. 

5 April 2017

Someone I met today works at my favorite sushi place every, Izakaya Gaku.

She's the main waitress there and she's always super friendly. We don't go often, but every time we go, I put a list of what we want on a iPhone note so she can copy it. Every time we do it, she thinks it's the best idea ever.

It's mostly because I don't want to forget something I've ordered. I was kind of really hungry, so posting my food on IG was a low priority. Here's a pic of their sashimi platter from two years ago.

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4 April 2017

Someone I met today is passionate about his job.

We met on a conference call I had for work, going over his structure for a training program he implemented. Like I said the other week, I'm always impressed by people who are so passionate about what they do.

I'm also impressed by people who are so brave and just go for things. I find that I don't always have that in me in my professional life, so it's a trait I admire. 

2 April 2017

Someone I met today was buying a new computer.

It was her birthday recently, and her husband was buying her a new computer. It was a completely family affair, because she texted her daughter once the transaction was done. Her daughter immediately responded:

We were gonna get that for you!!!

Turns out the dad was one step ahead of the daughter because she's away. Anyhow, I was helping them set up the computer. The husband was making his password hint: soup.

The password? Papaya. Because he likes chicken papaya soup, which is totally what my dad makes when I'm sick.